Eesti keeles

Current topic: Vesinik (vaikimisi valitud)

How to proceed:
Please write the balanced equation into the boxes below (before and after the red arrow).
Use normal numbers in formula instead of subscripts (as in K2SO4).
Write each formula into separate (bigger) box and corresponding stoichiometric coefficients into smaller one before that.
You can refrain from writing number ones as stoichiometric coefficients (they are the default values anyways).
You can add (buttons Add reactant/product) or delete (buttons with small cross, except for the very first reactant/product box) substances to your equation as needed.
The program discerns between uppercase and lowercase, and also between different brackets
(so Na4[Fe(CN)6] is correct and NA4[FE(CN)6], na4[fe(cn)6], Na4(Fe(CN)6) or similar are not). Please pay attention!
Keep in mind that this program does not know any chemistry, so only the reactions from the file given to you in Moodle will be approved!

Please press "Submit / Next reaction" button above to get the next reaction.

Siia tuleb reaktsioon

After you press "Check", some comment on your solution will appear here...